Just having a bit of fun with manual settings. I couldn't resist popping outside when I saw the sky whilst I was washing up.
I am sorry if I haven't been keeping up so much with blogging friends but when I am quiet it is usually because I am busy with my other blog.
My youngest daughter thought it would be nice if she made me a book of my blog, mainly connected with the garden. She has been very busy loading onto her computer and recently showed me how it was coming along. I was most impressed it looks lovely and will be so nice to have a book to flick through and remember the garden in 2009.
I was 'speaking' with Charlotte of The Galloping Gardener recently and she pointed me in the direction of www.blurb.com This looks an excellent website and has a free download for making your own books and has lots of other information.
Recently Frances of Fairegarden has been busy posting about what happens to blogs when we cease blogging do check her recent posts out.
Perhaps we should start a fashion of publishing Garden Bloggers books from Blotanical could be quite something. Meanwhile though it would be fun just to have a personal copy of our favourite Blog posts.
What do you think?
IAVOM ~ 'Singing the Blues'
1 day ago