Saturday 29 August 2009


Clever things these cameras I couldn't resist seeing what would happen with this spider and it's web. I was a bit disappointed with the original photo but zooming in makes all the difference.

Wednesday 26 August 2009


Congratulations to Tom Brown for planning and executing the Maize maze at RHS Wisley. Inspite of the last minute request to change to edible sweet corn you have produced a very pleasing attraction with many twists and turns to throw visitors off course.
My photos do not do full justice to the pathways through but it is well worth a visit if you are in travelling distance of the garden in Surrey UK.
The maize is planted on the site that used to have the old greenhouses which were taken down after the New Millenium Glasshouse was opened.

Friday 21 August 2009


Back to the fun stuff. I had a fortnight at Dad's without a computer but still some gardening to do. Unfortunately on returning to my garden I was overwhelmed by the amount of work needing doing. With many hours work and much help from Mike I feel a bit more on top of things.
The grape vine on the back of the house always does well and produces lots of tasty grapes unfortunately a bit small for eating but the birds enjoy and it is fun to sit and watch them do acrobats trying to get at the grapes.
Thanks to Rob of Our French Garden your post encouraged me to get back out there with my camera.
This is a fairly new clematis to me Ernest Markham.
Cardoons are wonderfully statuesque plants and it surprises me why so many people grow exotic plants that rarely survive our winters unless camouflaged with ugly sacking when I think this is just as fascinating.

Hermosa still flowering away.
Rosemoor such a dainty pink/white flower
I had meant to grow more clematis cuttings again but so many things to do and not enough time. I did pop some Macropetala ones in and they are shooting so fingers crossed. They are great grown in pots for a few years before they get too big.
These plastic mushroom boxes from Sainsburys have been invaluable to me for seed trays and for making cloches. Because the cuttings of clematis can't take up the moisture to support the leaves it is necessary to spray the leaves with fine mist until the shoots have formed and the roots are grown. Clever daughter for taking the time to do this whilst I was away.

Looking up the garden into the sun sorry not the best photo but it shows how this clematis Vit Blue Belles has grown so high in the tree.
It grew vigorously for many years and never had any flowers. About three years ago I decided if it didn't flower I'd dig it out and lo it flowered that year and each year since. I wonder now whether it had flowered before but so high in the tree I had missed it.

This was a bit that had flopped down so was easier to photograph.
Nelly Moser is having her second flush and keeping her colours well probably shaded more than in the spring by the trees.
Hydrangea are one of the easiest shrubs to grow from cuttings. Whilst they are small plants I keep them in pots and once they start to flower move them from the nursery to around the house so that the flowers can be enjoyed. I am particularly pleased this is doing so well it was a cutting from Christina a dear neighbour before she died at 91.

I decided to grow Morning Glory again and thought I'd try these ones, they are sweet flowers but need to be near where you walk to see and enjoy them.
These are lovely popping up here and can be enjoyed in and outdoors.
I love Passion flowers but the plants do grow a bit too vigorously for the number of flowers. This years heavy snow damaged much of this and so it had a heavy pruning and is more manageable now. It is nice to enjoy these flowers by the back door.
Now those of you from hotter climes won't understand that what may be grown like a weed to you is considered with much excitement by me. I have grown Oleander In the back porch for many years and love the beautiful flowers and lovely almond perfume. It takes so well from cuttings but be warned it is very poisonous to people and pets. In fact anything with almond scent is often found to be poisonous I read somewhere.

Wednesday 5 August 2009


As the evidence is presented sighting research after research articles to the IDSA(Infectious Diseases Society of America) Lyme Disease Review Panel, it is clear that it is overwhelmingly supporting what ILADS (International Lyme and Associated Diseases) says. ILADS say that the blood tests are unreliable and for some patients long term antibiotics and repeat courses of antibiotics are sometimes necessary.
Much of this information and research has been available for many years and some of us suffering Chronic Lyme Disease have been aware of the overwhelming amount of research that supports ILADS and shows IDSA guidelines to be inadequate.
Our Health Agencies have chosen to ignore representations made to them over many years and instead follow blindly IDSA 2006 guidelines this has caused a World Wide medical scandal on a huge scale leaving patients to continue with chronic pain and ill health and be refused treatments that can and do help them.
It is not acceptable that the 'experts' advised our HPA in UK that IDSA guidelines were authoritative when so much evidence and research has been presented to them over many years which showed serious flaws with current NHS tests and treatment protocols.
Approximately 350,000 people in USA will have been exposed to Lyme Disease in USA whilst the IDSA has been preparing to review their Guidelines since May 2008.
In UK using HPA figures 8000 (10x confirmed tests according to Ho Yen of HPA in Scotland and CDC) new cases in the last year. Because of IDSA 2006 Guidelines these people are unlikely to have been adequately treated and may go on to suffer chronic ill health.

No one knows the impact on many other health conditions as patients are generally not assessed to see if their chronic ill health could have been caused by a tick bite (the smallest tick being the size of a poppy seed so easily missed) possibly many years earlier.

The full presentations are available on IDSA website where the video presentation is also available.