Sunday 26 May 2019



The President scrambles across the lower branches of Banksiae Banksiae.

Maybe the last photo of this Banksiae Banksiae, since taking this I see many of the branches are split and dying back. It has been here for about 30 years but always pruned very hard back. As Mike and I are less able to manage the garden we reduced the height to about 8 ft which is not ideal for this rose and it competes either side with other climbing plants. All is not lost because a cutting taken some years ago thrives on the front of the house.

The terrace always looks interesting with a collection of pots and variety of plants.

Variegated hosta

An interesting variegation no name.

Lovely Arum Lilly

Hosta bed before I weeded it.

Two different varieties of Choisya with golden philadelphus.

The first flowers of clematis Josephine.

One side of the vegetable garden

The same side viewed from the bottom.

Clematis Wadas Primrose.

A view of my front garden. What a view to wake up to. If you click on the image it opens into a better photo.  

The various iris have put on a good show and the roses are now flowering nicely. The winter hanging baskets have been taken down to put the summer ones up and are just resting in the border until the next decent rain when we will be able to dig the area over where the Wallflowers were and replace with Dahlias.

I have still been recovering from Pneumonia most of May, it has required two further courses of Clarithromycin so far. The Clarithromycin is my main treatment for Lyme Disease usually these days I find intermittent courses keep me able to function but never without some symptoms. Lyme compromises the immune system and I don't have a robust B cell response which makes fighting infection more problematic, IgM on several tests show a deficiency. ( Dr. Horowitz finds this in 20% of his Lyme patients) I am not surprised then that my chest infection did not clear with the one week course of antibiotics in hospital but it took some time to get a doctor to properly assess me and realise further antibiotics were needed for my Pneumonia.

Despite my health problems the garden is still looking good and I am very good at turning a blind eye to the many weeds when so many beautiful plants and flowers take centre stage.