Saturday 13 June 2020


The front garden is being very much admired by the numerous walkers out on their daily walks during lockdown. The Cornus Kousa Chinensis by the gate has caused many questions so Mike  added a name card to the tree.

I can't count the number of people I see bending over the wall to smell the roses. In the centre is Gertrude Jekyll which is such a lovely rose replacing one I lost during a drought Charles Rennie Mackintosh. On the right is Jayne Austin

This was Charles Rennie Mackintosh a few years ago so Gertrude Jekyll has a lot to live up to.

A close up of Jayne Austin.

Years ago I grew Sanders White rose along this fence in the back garden, it was amazing for several years until I lost it to drought.

This was the other side of the fence. I had taken cuttings successfully as you can often do with ramblers so all was not lost

This is one of those cuttings today.

This is the area today where I grew the Sanders White the other side of the fence has another rambling rose Crimson Shower which isn't in flower just yet this year.

On another wall we grew Veilchenblau a lovely rambler very distinctive for it's mauve and white flecked flowers always commented on by visitors to my garden. Sadly this also succumbed to drought although my daughter has a wonderful specimen grown from a cutting so I could always start it off again. But I decided to have a change and planted several other roses one a cutting my granddaughter grew from a large shrub rose in their garden and David Austin Albrighton.

Today a cutting of Sanders White given to my neighbour grows from over the garden wall and I enjoy this lovely view. Albrighton is hidden a little on the left of the photo behind a hebe.

This is Blush Rambler a foil to the vegetable garden or is it the rose garden?

I am so lucky to have some lovely walls and fences to grow my 18 ramblers and climbers along which make such special gardens within the garden. A big thank you to Mike who added trellis to the low walls and fencing between the different levels of the garden, not for the roses I might add, but to contain the dogs who have shared their lives with us. 


  1. WOW, I love your gardens!! Thanks for sharing ~ FlowerLady

  2. It must be a big responsibility to have a large front garden - and you certainly fulfil it with these wonderful displays. No wonder people stop to admire - and to smell!

  3. Hey Joanne, lovely to see your roses. Gertrude is a pretty neat rose. I planted Lady of Shalott this year. Three of them in a border. I hope they like my garden. Hope you're doing well. This COVID-19 thing is such a drag. ~~Dee

  4. Hello Joanne, your garden is absolutely GREAT! All roses are fantastic - a wonderful play of colours. Best wishes from Germany! Lilli

  5. Hi Joanne and congrats on your lovely garden! Can I ask some advice? I'm looking to grow a repeat flowering rambler to scramble along and hopefully through - a lowish picket fence ... I'm looking at Albrighton Rambler and see you 've grown it? is it a good choice d'you think for a picket fence? and is it generally a good bloomer? thanks for your advice!
