Sunday, 28 July 2019

Celebrating Agapanthus and a few late flowering Clematis

I grow Agapanthus in pots and overwinter in the cold greenhouse. They add colour around the garden mid summer onwards and are one of my favourite flowers yet I rarely photograph them and put on this blog.

This bed was covered in black weed suppressant a couple of years ago due to problems with bindweed and ground elder and my struggles to keep on top of it with my Lyme Disease. There is a mixture of plants in the ground and pots so it is well dressed despite the weed suppressant and much easier to manage.

Just one white Agapanthus to enjoy every time I walk down the garden.

The area on the left is where my Banksiae Banksiae grew for many years but sadly died this spring, with the help of a variety of pots it doesn't look too bad until the Trachelospermum Jasminoides covers the gap.

This lovely dark agapanthus is getting a bit bigger, I have it next to the greenhouse so I can keep a careful eye on it.

Vitechelli Royal Velours

Vitechelli Blue Belles with Clematis Marmori underneath.

Vitechelli Alba Luxurians

Comtesse de Bouchaud

Vitechelli Royal Velours