Sunday 31 May 2020


Welcome to my roses in the vegetable garden. What a glorious display this year.

Just a few errors in my video. First I called the white rose Claire Austin it is Francine Austin, I do have a Claire Austin in another part of the garden which is also delightful. I then refer to leeks which in fact are onions and my last error was referring to 2 clematis when I meant roses, one is Mayor of Casterbridge and the other Sweet Juliet. I think I will put my tongue twisters down to Lyme disease, why not I have just about every other symptom in the list so why not word disassociation.

Wednesday 20 May 2020


Today at Joanne's cottage garden. The roses are already making a wonderful show.
Tonight I watered and closed the greenhouse for the night about 7.00 hours and heard the sound of the cuckoo in the woods nearby, what a delight.

How lucky we are to have the woods nearby and the extra bird song we hear because of  living so near to the woods.

Rambling Rector makes a good screen on this trellis and is just peeping into flower alongside Cornelia and hiding top left a lovely clematis William Kennett. This is a cutting taken years ago but it still struggles to grow despite me accidentally chopping bits off it.

Crocus rose  such a beauty small in height compared to many other shrub roses but the perfume is divine.

Crocus rose.

Sweet Juliet 

Mayor of Casterbridge


Clematis Carnaby

Clematis Rebecca on the right with Cornelia rose and on the left Clematis Mrs N Thompson. Incidentally the public footpath notice came out of the council rubbish, so acquired legitimately.

Thursday 14 May 2020


The President 


St Swithun a new climbing rose.

Cecile Brunner


Mrs N. Thompson

Choisya with a Rose Chafer beetle. I have seen a number of Rose Chafer beetles in the garden this year but not as many as a few years ago. 

Elsa Spath a delightful clematis, although this is past it's best. Sadly the plant was damaged and cut back by mistake so it's not flowering as plentiful as it has done in the past.

Sophie's Rose

Gertrude Jekyll

Byzantine gladiolus my favourite gladioli with Francine Austin rose in the background and a bright red peony surprising what still grows among the bindweed and ground elder.

Yes bare earth at last, what a job getting rid of some of the ground elder and bindweed after the wallflowers were dug up. This is ready for the Dahlias once the frost risk has passed.

And on the other side of the bed likewise.

I adore pinks but they often get lost in among other plants so I have taken to growing some in containers which works much better.



I hope you enjoyed the tour around the garden it has been hard work this year digging out copious ground elder and pulling up bindweed. All made much harder struggling with Lyme disease symptoms which for me are mainly stiff and painful joints and muscles weakness.