Wednesday 24 November 2010


Winter fairyland

The Box edgeing helps to keep interest in a winter vegetable garden.

Frost and sun competing for interest.

Roses with winter ice dresses.

Swiss Chard looking rather attractive with it's silvery edges.

My two garden helpers Mike and Beth.

Tuesday 16 November 2010


Yes I know it is now November but just had to post this farewell to the Autumn garden.

The Dahlias have been great at prolonging the flowering in this front border but have all been lifted now and stored in the garage for another year.

They have flowered for months and provided much colour in the garden and house.

Fuchsias are still flowering although last night's frost will no doubt bring the end of flowering.

Sophie's rose a present from my brother and sister in law has flowered throughout the summer even though this was her first year. She has such a deep and lovely colour and great perfume.

Rudbekias still flowering where the Delphiniums were it will be interesting to see how they both fare next year.

Hydrangeas still with autumn colour.

Ferns once again come into their own and this is a particularly nice one.

Wallflower have done well this year although I still need to plant them out.

The greenhouse is full to overflowing but many of the cuttings will be heading of to my daughters new garden when they are big enough.

So I have been busy in the garden although I have been neglecting my garden blog. Hopefully soon I will get round to visiting old friends in the garden blogging World. I have however have been very busy with my Looking at Lyme Blog link at the top right if anyone is interested in following up on either Lyme Disease or with ME/CFS quite fascinating research and developments going on at present.