Sunday 23 December 2018


I was reminded by a Garden Blogging friend today of how long ago it is since I started this blog. Ten years in February. So much has happened in the last ten years. Many of my Garden blogging friends are still active today with their blogs as can be seen by a quick look at my blog sidebar. Most of them I met about ten years ago when I joined Blotanical. What a fun resource of garden blogs that was. So thank you Catherine from A Garden in Progress for that reminder on Facebook (where I still have contact with some garden bloggers).

These days however, my energies are spent on my Looking at Lyme disease blog which helps me to advocate to try and prevent others struggling with this dreadful disease Lyme Disease, because our governments fail in their duty of care.

In sitting to write my Christmas message I realised that I never posted this year about my roses or my clematis, the first time in ten years, thus here is a quick collage put together to remind us all that spring and summer are not too far away.

So this is to wish all my virtual friends a very Peaceful Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.