Tuesday 17 November 2009


I am so behind with posting and catching up on other blogs but I decided to post a few photos of the garden last week. Of course this was a cheat bought from the local street market but a welcome sight by the front door.

These hardy Fuschia come into their own at this time of year all grown from cuttings from a friends garden in Newquay.

Nicola's Blush Hebe a cutting from a neighbours bush it is a very worth while Hebe to grow. All the Hebes I have tried have taken well from cuttings.

Winter Jasmine already putting on a good show.

In the back garden Fairy Rose again taken successfully from cuttings.

I finally removed the Dahlias last week and I was pleased that the ground elder was not as bad as I had expected. Pity I didn't sweep up after myself but nice to see soil without ground elder here.

Whilst I dug, these little beauties smiled down on me. Vitecella Vernosa Violecea quite dainty clematis but so worth growing where you can enjoy their lovely faces.

One last bloom of Edward Elgar. Sadly the perfume is lost in the cooler weather.

I even had a tidy up along this wall which is something I rarely get round to doing. The ferns are still looking nice.

Hermosa has bloomed since May so well worth growing although the stems can be a little weak.

I was so pleased to see so many flowers on the Arbutus Uneo because I lost one plant and this it's replacement looked as if I might lose as well earlier in the year.

The leeks are doing well and ready to eat.

What a different view at this time of year. I replaced many of the Lavender on one side of the garden and have pruned very hard back with others. If the pruned ones do not survive because I don't think Lavender enjoys such hard pruning, I have got several cuttings in pots which can be used to replace them.
As you can see I have had fun loading larger photos and putting my name on them. As if anyone would be interested in pinching them Hah! I think I was like a child with a paint box and made the names too colourful. Must follow Tatyana's advice and choose more discrete colours.
The reason I have not blogged so much recently is because there has been lots to read and e mails to send regarding my other interest. Yes you guessed following developments with Lyme Disease. The news about XMRV retrovirus is also fascinating to read. Many people with ME/CFS diagnosis are found to have Lyme and there are so many parallels with the two illnesses and the politics that surrounds them.
So rather than compromise this blog I started another one Looking at Lyme there is a link on my side bar. I will use this new blog to post anything that catches my eye, of which there is so much. It will also make a suitable place for me to retrieve information quickly.
I am more than happy if anyone chooses to visit and by all means add your comments.

Sunday 8 November 2009


I have many things to thank my blogging friends for.

Karen An Artist's Garden for introducing me to blotanical.

Many of you for hint's on photography and advice on copy and pasting links.

Now I would like to thank Tatyana of My Secret Garden for her interesting and useful post on Make it tougher for thieves. I have figured out how to put my name on photos, I used my Canon Digital Photo Professional thanks also to Daughter Rebecca's help recently. I will be playing around to fine tune one wet winter's day.

Last but by no means least thanks to Catherine from A Gardener in Progress for her useful advice on posting larger pictures. I have long enjoyed and admired her lovely photos.

So my first attempt is of a November rose Rosemoor, such a delicate shade of pink and delicate petals with a strong old rose fragrance.

Wednesday 4 November 2009


Across from where we live is a small copse, at the entrance is a lovely Oak tree which was planted in Remembrance of the men who died in the Ist World War. The tree doesn't seem as if it could be 90 years old but that is what the plaque says.

This copse has only developed since the second World War, at that time it was open ground. There is still a concrete slab amongst the undergrowth that I am told was used for a gun mounting. The gun would have been used for protecting the railway route nearbye into London.

Hard to imagine that history when walking through these trees.

Across a road from the copse and down the track into the Wild Woods as my daughters used to call it when they were small.

This area was a lake and I have seen old photos showing a boat house and boat moored at the far side.
I suspect the building of the housing estate that borders this wood would have diverted drainage thus causing the area to dry up.

Beth leads the way.

You can hear her saying why are you lagging behind as I stop to take photos.

The Holly trees are full of berries at present so plenty of food for the birds.

This wood hasn't been managed for many years it was once coppiced.

There are many fallen and damaged trees which is sad but adds to the character of the place.

Beyond this fallen tree was and old track way which has become so overgrown.

A slightly better view with the field on the right and another behind the trees on the left leaving the track in a dip. It is some time since I tried walking along it and the far end is not penetrable which is such a shame. It could be opened up to the road and would make such a lovely walk.

This is much further over in the woods by the railway line.

You have to love these roots and with feet like that the head in the sky is hardly a surprise.

Looking back is the boundary into the fields and from that point views across to Clandon House.

I have spent half the afternoon playing with Picasa trying to load slightly larger photos by URL but without success. I so admire the slightly larger size seen on many other blogs. So guess I need to try again one winters day. However I am pleased that I was able to take all the photos using Manual setting so at least I am beginning to learn something with my camera.