Sunday 14 July 2013


Welcome to Joanne's Cottage garden

The tail end of the Delphinium and a nice collection of sticks for the Dahlia which are planted out when the Wallflower come out, this gives me chance to remove some of the ground elder we are plagued with. Perhaps I should make tea with it but have a vague recollection of trying this and finding it not to my palette.

Hanging baskets on the gateposts are already filling out nicely courtesy of Mike's constant watering.

Roses Charles Rennie Mackintosh and Jayne Austin both from David Austin roses probably 25 years since they were planted and every year they delight many of the people who pass by and can't resist leaning over the wall to smell their wonderful perfume.

Rose New Dawn growing to the left of the window and Clematis Vitichella Etoile Violette just starting to flower under the window it is now two weeks later and full of flower.

Clematis Madame Julia Correvon - I Googled to check on the spelling went to images Here for a bit of fun I added Joanne's Cottage garden to the Google search and came up with an interesting selection of photos from this blog here plus ones not from the blog too.
Isn't the internet fun as well as useful. 


  1. Miss Joanne Orange Cottage just keeps getting more and more beautiful.. Thank you so much for sharing. Oh how I wish I could just come hangout... Mike's doing a fine job your baskets are fabulous.. hugs, Cherry

  2. Replies
    1. Laurel so pleased you enjoyed the flowers I am not sure if you follow my Looking at Lyme Disease blog but you might find the post I have just done on PoTS interesting it was information from Joe Burrascano. I am still learning all the time and back on antibiotics plus Hydroxy but doing very well again. Only recently I had some extensive testing done on Immune function and full blood count a couple of results not normal and may indicate why I can't completely clear this disease. 10 years to get the information that my red blood cell count MCV is high and my IGM is deficient. GP hasn't a clue what it means but as according to Dr Horowitz many Lyme patients have IgM deficiency and it is only seen in Lyme it is of interest to me. Doctors just don't know what they are looking/testing for and are not prepared to learn with any of these diseases Lyme/ME/CFS. Best wishes to you

  3. Wow! Your home and gardens are so wonderfully cottagey and old world. I love them. Very inspiring.


  4. Hi Thanks for your encouraging comments I find it hard to make time to garden blog and visit others these days.

  5. I want to live there. Happy July Joanne.~~Dee

  6. So beautiful and lush... love those windows... that opened window--magic!

