Out into the back garden through the hanging baskets in the porch.
A view along the terrace.
and a view back.
A backwards glance going down the first lot of steps
The Hosta bed before it was ravaged by slugs and snails
A glance up at the roses and clematis on the fence along the terrace.
A Carpinteria California shrub a lovely evergreen shrub for a sunny protected corner.
Rose Vielchenblau with the woods in the background a lovely borrowed landscape.
A shady corner at it's best in spring and early summer.
A new arch to replace the ones mike used to make now we are neither of us getting any younger plus stone dog in memory of Beth very much missing in the garden.
Cornelia rose and Francine Austin rose both flowering much better attached to stakes.
Most of the photos are a glance back because the sun is in front of me and so not so easy to get a good shot down the garden.
The Delphiniums have been lovely but some very very tall so must split and re plant next year. Broad beans in the right hand bed.
Runner and climbing beans just starting to get going, with Sweat Juliet rose on the left, so large we tie it into a tripod.
A view across the bottom of the garden with the Gleditsia on the right.
Rose Francis E Lester such a delight and making an even more beautiful display in my neighbours apple tree behind.
The lower arch fell apart but as the Gleditsia trees make their own arch we decided not to replace this one. Rambling Rector rose on the right.
Tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers.
My potting and nursery area.
Back up the garden to the middle steps with Rose Aviater Bleriot.