Monday 20 December 2010


These photos were taken a couple of weeks ago in the last snowfall. Once again the snow has returned and much more forecast tonight and Thursday Ugh!!!

At least the greenhouse seems fairly snug although in prolonged cold, as I do not heat it many pots will freeze, so it remains to be seen what survives.


  1. Your snow does look beautiful Joanne! I hope you do not get too much more but just a nice fresh few inches for Christmas. Best of luck with your greenhouse plants! Happy Winter's Solstice! Merry Christmas!

  2. Wow, that is a lot of snow. It fascinates me because it never snows here. I wonder how the plants survive.

  3. You did get quite a bit of snow, but it does make lovely images.

  4. What we have taken for granted over here that plants grow and keep growing throughout the year is different somewhere else where winter put many plants to real rest. But snow is soothing.....

  5. Now that's a serious amount of snow Joanne. I have been wondering about the contents of my greenhouse too as the only frost protection is fleece. The fact that yours is jammed packed may give the plants more protection. Will keep my fingers crossed for you. I hope that you enjoy Christmas and wish you happy gardening in 2011. Stay warm xxx

  6. That is a lot of snow! It looks so pretty covering your garden. Your greenhouse plants are looking good so far, hope they all do well in there.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family Joanne!

  7. Hi Joanne,

    Wow there so many snow and your garden is nothing now. i hope you can save some plants.

    Just like to share with you a beautiful quote...

    "You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life" - Albert Camus

    You can get more happiness quotes at

  8. Oh, Joanne. It is so beautiful. So magical to see sunlight on the snow! Hope you don't get overwhelmed by the snow and do keep warmth, yeah. Merry Christmas!

  9. Merry Christmas my friend. Enough snow for you. :)) ~~Dee

  10. It's rare to have such Christmassy photos at Christmas! It all looks beautiful (maybe only as long as the sun shines?) and the greenhouse looks special.

    Happy Christmas (when we get there properly!).


  11. How beautiful Joanne! I don't remember getting snow when I lived in Ipswich.

    I hope you don't get buried in with any more snow!


  12. It looks lovely... almost an enchanted world, but I know what you mean about snow and cold.... I'm a summer child and have a hard time adapting to winter... I have to "think Spring" to survide! ;)

    Have a blessed New year


  13. Love your greenhouse, Joanne. Beautiful photos. I know what you mean. It's pretty but enough already. Cold here but no snow. Happy New Year!

  14. Yep, looks like you have had your share of snow. I too love your greenhouse.

  15. So much snow! and it all looks beautiful. Also is great that you have the greenhouse to keep things growing.

  16. Hi Joanne, great snowy photos, to me looks beautiful but I imagine after a while you've had enough snow - as you clearly say! I believe it's your birthday, so have a happy one. And I am so pleased that your health is better. cheers, catmint

  17. Thanks everyone for your comments I am really struggling with finding time for blogging but so appreciate all these comments.
    Catmint thank you for the Birthday wishes how kind.
