Thursday 25 February 2010


I have been meaning to post this for some time. It was my very first attempt at taking a video of my garden.

There were many lessons learnt

1. tidy the tools away

2. mow the grass

3. think what I am going to say not pan the camera too fast

5. sorry can't do much about my Lancashire accent even after 40years living in the South it is still very strong

The Clematis is not Huldine it is John Huxtable the unknown one on the arch is Polish Spirit I think it was a cutting and my last one I called Mademoiselle when I should have said Comptesse d'Bouchaud.

Ah well must do better.


  1. Hiya,
    You must be on broadband.
    Pity I can't see your video.
    I'll just wave to you :-)

  2. I just loved your garden tour, and love your accent too. I would love to spend time with you in your fantastic cottage garden. This little tour has made me want to get out and work in my gardens more.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

  3. Hi Joanne
    I enjoyed going with you on your walk through your garden. I found it very easy to "not see" the flaws you pointed out as all my attention was on the flowers, bird songs etc

    Now I am even more anxious to see the end of our snow and see what has survived the winter out in my garden.

  4. WOW! WOW! WOW!!! So glad you did this!!! I am in LOOOOVE with your garden! AMAZING!!! I want to book a flight and fly over there and have tea in the garden with you! It is my dream garden!!!! I love your accent! You would laugh out loud if you heard me speak!!! My accent is MUCH worse

  5. What a great wee video (though I would slow down on the panning - felt a little sick in the greenhouse, haha). Your garden is fabulous, boy, I better not let the hubby see this or he'll die of jealously!! Utterly beautiful - you love plants, that's clear to see xxx

  6. The Littlest Gardener (my 3 year old) and I watched your tour together. She commented on how pretty your flowers were and asked when we could go see it. I wish I could see it in person, it's so pretty! I like seeing your garden tools, etc. It shows that it's a real garden and that you do the work.
    I recently learned that your ground elder is what I call bishop's weed, and now I know what you mean when you complain about it. I can't get rid of it either.
    I love your accent :)

  7. I am so thankful that you created this video for us to enjoy. It makes your garden seem so much more real and I loved hearing you speak....reminds me of my visits to the U.K. Such a beautiful garden.

  8. Yay..Super-Wonderful Joanne! What a fabulous-treat..thankyou for sharing your spectacular garden and all it's magic...and your magic too!

  9. I always loved British gardens when I lived in England. You're garden is exceptional! Wow! Lush and beautiful.

    BTW, I will take your accent any day of the week! Love it~!

  10. Joanne, this is very interesting. There's so much going on in your garden. Now, I need to be more hardworking in my garden. Hearing you speak gives you video the personal touch. Your garden is beautiful.

  11. Joanne, I got sooooo excited when I saw you were going to do a video of your gardens! They were just as gorgeous and lush as I knew they would be. I can't imagine the time it must take to keep them looking so nice. I really love your hedges that you have put around the different beds. They just look so neat. The first time you showed a picture of them I just flipped because they were so different looking.
    Thank you for this wonderful tour, I really enjoyed it. In fact I watched it twice to make sure I didn't miss anything. LOL ;-)

  12. Joanne, what a treat taking a garden tour with you. I loved the Forest Pansy, the leaves are still so dark. What month was this video shot? I friend of ,mine had a Forest Pansy, but hers went a bit green in the cummer, only in the early spring were her leaves that dark.

  13. Thanks for the tour of your fabulous garden ... you have certainly utilized every available space and created some wonderful garden areas. I like a see a garden warts and all (tools and all) ... seems more like the real thing to me than an amazingly tidy garden-magazine type garden!
    Would love to see a video in a different season just for contrast!

  14. Hi Thank you all for your lovely comments.

    Rain Gardener you made me laugh.

    Deborah This Forest Pansy kept her colour all season she is lovely but I did losse one before her so hope this one has survived our really bad winter.

    I can't access picks on Blotanical at present so hope Stuart is able to sort out what is wrong.

  15. Never apologise for your accent Joanne!

  16. Lovely tour of your garden Joanne - it truly does have a cottage garden feel to it. Seeing it on video has really brought it alive for me.

  17. Joanna, What a really lovely garden....Btw, I never notice the tools, etc until I am ready to post a photo and it's too dark to go out and take another! Love your accent...It's charming. My St Louis, MO accent is quite harsh...every now and again the o's become a's! gail

  18. Joanne! That is delightful... I loved every second of it... you are a natural! Your garden is so magical and it is great to see it this way. I do not usually like videos but this is one I will revisit! It is a lived in and in progress garden ... the best in my opinion. You have so many jewels and the over all layout is wonderful. Walking from room to room beneath arches with dripping blooms. Your box edged veggie beds! Your greenhouses filled with so much interest and cucumbers! I love your narrative as well!! Beautiful accent and all! Lovely! ;>) Carol ps... when was this taken?

  19. Thanks for the comments.

    Carol it was taken 19th July 2009 and was a first attempt I did post another one way back of the front garden but had to do it in short segments, it is much better done on U tube as a longer video.
