The trees are still very green which surprised me because down the bottom of the hill near where we live they are well into their autumn colours. I suspect that we live in a bit of a pocket of dry climate because we often miss rain that deposits all around us and think that we must be in a shadow and perhaps on the top of the hill the rain falls as the clouds rise. I cannot think of any other explanation as the hill is chalk so very free draining and the types of trees are much the same.
Yes our faithful friend Beth who put in an appearance for Alison.
Walking out of the trees the views are spectacular across towards the South Downs but unfortunately the sun was not in the best place.
Further East beyond this tree line featured in Midsummer Murders film last week. They had a cycle ride along the track and ended up supposedly in the remains of an Abbey which was superimposed in the valley. So clever what you can do with photography.