Monday 23 April 2018


This bed has been planted in a variety of ways over the years, at one time it was an alpine bed but then I decided to put shrubs in that might be less work to manage. Today I weeded as best I could but decided in the Autumn that I need to remove the overgrown shrubs mainly four and replace with small ones which I have growing from cuttings probably mainly cistus and some sage which I love when it flowers. Maybe some pinks and the snow in summer which always looks so lovely.

The Tulips are a picture at present mostly planted last Autumn but a welcome sight especially as so few daffodils flowered this year.

The Tulips are underplanted with the roses in the box beds either side of the main path down the garden.

All the weeding is done for now in these box beds although the lavender needs replacing and this left hand bed could do with all digging out, maybe when the Lavender cuttings are big enough to plant out. For some reason although easy to take cuttings I haven't been successful over recent years but maybe too hot when cuttings were taken although I see I have some that survived the winter.

This is my home made greenhouse shading which works very well on three long bamboo poles.

Another weed of the Delphiniums to remove yet more ground elder before it becomes too difficult when the Delphiniums get larger.

The Camellias have been lovely this year and this bed always looks nice in spring.

The Hosta bed looks much better for having dug out the Heartstongue ferns which overpowered the bed and allowed slugs and snails to hide and eat my Hostas at night.

It was hard work dividing my Hostas but already they are making it worthwhile.

Lovely in various containers and with this Macropetala clematis behind, one taken from a cutting of a cutting of a cutting but I need to take more this year as the old plants are no more.

 One use for a hip bath this is a large leafed Hosta with unusual markings but last year the leaves were about half the size so this year I need to use feed weekly and hope the plant rejuvenates.

Such hard work but worth the pain to see everything growing.


  1. Hi Joanne,
    It is always such a treat to wander through your garden with you.
    Summer arrived here +23C BUT somehow we missed spring!

  2. Such a lovely garden! Your photos are very inspiring.
