Saturday 16 May 2015


Clematis The President with Banksia Banksia Rose growing up the back of the house.

My photos don't do it justice.

A delightful rose but needs a lot of wall and needs copious pruning several times during the summer.

Although it has already been pruned before flowering I can see some long shoots waving around near the top left.

Choisya  looking even more attractive than the last time I posted a photo.

Nelly Moser clematis in a shady corner - this was grown from a cutting which is just as well as the mother plant got disturbed last year and much of it has died leaving just a little, which I hope recovers to it's past glory.

Although it likes some shade and helps to keep the lovely colours being bleached I am going to need to prune the Winter Jasmine severely back in order that it doesn't smother this young clematis.

The colours of The President are captured slightly differently with the camera something to do with the eye filtering out red which the camera picks up.

I am not sure why this and the following photo has such different colours as they were taken within about a minute of each other.

So lovely to see the hosta before the slugs have a field day and the Ginka in the pot has such interesting leaves especially at the start of the season with their distinctive green.

I am not good at staging for photos it is all a bit as you find me - here I had been pruning some of the Banksia Banksia before I decided to take some photos before heavy rain was expected the following day. The small sticks are to deter Meg from sitting on the hosta pot.

A cutting from Banksia Banksia growing up the front of the house - it takes well from cuttings which is no surprise when it grows so vigorously. Sadly we lost our beautiful Wisteria after pruning back hard for decorating jobs although we planted a new one two years back it struggles to get going.

Clematis Elsa Spath again looking rather more red than the eye picks out.


  1. WOW! What a rose and it looks great with the clematis. You have some really lovely blooms in your gardens.


  2. Beautiful pictures! Love the way the back of the house looks with the rose and clematis blooming. Gives me a warm, cozy feeling:)
