Sunday, 12 June 2011


Belle of Woking looking lovely here, it has a slight grey mauve tinge which does not weather well and looks like a mop on a stick as it dies off.

I have been so busy gardening and enjoying the Clematis that I forgot to take photos when they were at their best how remiss of me. Above is Mrs N Thompson loving a dark corner near the arch and gate.

Rebecca was given to me by it's namesake my daughter and only added to my collection early this spring it has been a magnificent specimen flowering profusely in it's first season one very well worth adding to a collection and again seems to be happy in a shady spot.

Sorry about the bedraggled Josephine but it has flowered profusely and desrves a better photo but there are many posted on earlier blogs of clematis.

Sunset looking the best ever this year with quite a number of blooms, but I planted it some ten years ago and it has really struggled even though it gets fed and watered in the same way as other plants.

This is a real treasure William Kennett, I lost the original plant possibly too hot and dry where I planted it but this was a successful cutting which is coming into it's own.

I think this is Vit. Etoille Violette under the front window.

Mamori an unusual name and one I often forget but isn't the internet clever and here was a link I found from spelling it incorrectly

Thursday, 2 June 2011


Welcome to my June garden. Although I haven't been posting for such a long time I have been busy in the garden and taking time to enjoy the lovely sunny weather we have been having this year. Watering copiously as there has been no rainfall since the end of February until a small shower or two this last week not enough to dampen the leaves.

Cornus Kousa looking lovely but it needs a more shady spot than I chose to plant.

Greenfinch rambler always looks lovely but is difficult to photograph to do it justice.

Albertine every wall needs an Albertine.

Vielchenbleu just beginning to flower and should be a wonderful show judging from the number of buds.

Prince Charles an excellent clematis.

Pink Fantasy

Rambling Rector what a picture.

Lots going on in the working area.

Even after off loading plants to my daughters and the occasional visitor there's lots left. Note to self stop potting things on when you haven't room for what you have already got.

Sweet peas for cutting seem to do well in these pots.

Thank you Mike for doing an excellent job of cutting the Box.

Don't these trees make such a wonderful backdrop to that side of the garden.

This is actually the vegetable garden but is the prettiest part of the garden and the most interesting as well as the most fragrant.

How lucky I am to have a garden and the good health once again to enjoy it.

After struggling to find time to post I found I was unable to publish through blogger help I discovered the message Javascript void when trying to press the publish button was connected to a download I did recently of Internet Explorer 9 I have removed this download so fingers crossed looking good so far as other changes have resolved.